Hi Everyone:

I hope this finds you well. As of September, we will be starting up again with new Safety and COVID-19 standards in mind.

Scouts Canada is looking to restart our activities in September. At this time, it will only be outdoors events. Just think of it as an outing every week. We will have to keep our groups small to 16 youths per section and we would have to further divide to groups into 8 per activity for added safety. We will ask everyone to respect each other by wearing face coverings and to keep our social distance. Hand sanitizers will be available. We will ask everyone to sign in and out for safety and contact tracing if it is required. As well, we will be asking screening questions and will take your and your child’s temperature.

As of right now, all membership has being extended to December 31, 2020. At this time, Scouts Canada is trying to find out how many youth is thinking about returning. Please go to www.myscouts.ca and login. On the upper-left-hand side, you will find “Sign up register”. Please click and you will be asked to choose one of 3 options. 1 option is that you will be joining us in September, another is that you will not be returning until January and the last option is you will not be returning to scouting. The first 2 options will reserve your child’s spot in our scout group. If you choose not to return to scouting, we will definitely miss you but we will give that spot to someone else. The deadline to reserve your spot is August 31, 2020.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone again soon. In the meantime, stay safe and stay healthy.

Yours in scouting
