Beaver night hike

Location:  Richmond Green Park (Leslie and Elgin Mills)

Meeting Place:  Tom Graham Arena

Time:  6:45pm – 7:45pm  (Please be on time.  Thank you!)

We will be going on a hike in the park and stop by some of the playgrounds in the park.  Please dress according to the weather (jacket, hat, etc.) and bring a water bottle.  Please note that the Beavers will be responsible to carry all of their personal belongings.  A small backpack for the water bottle and the jacket (in case they want to take off their jacket after playing in the playground) may be helpful.

Please be on time dropping off and picking up your kids.  We have leaders who have kids in the Cubs/Scouts sections and have to be back at the school on time to pick up their own kids.  And our youth leaders rely on their parents to pick them up, who may have siblings in the Cubs/Scouts sections as well waiting for their parents to come.

If your kids are not joining us for the hike, there will be no Beaver meeting at the school.  Please DO NOT leave your kids at the school as there will be NO BEAVER LEADERS at the school.

Thank you.